Like at Cadillac Ranch, I truly admire the American impulse to build something big in the middle of nowhere. Maybe even something huge, just because. Something so big it’s impossible to ignore, something brave and bold that represents belief and passion. Here’s what someone in Groom, TX built:
At 190 feet tall, some people claim the cross was the biggest in the Western hemisphere until someone built a slightly taller one on I-70 in Effingham, IL in 1995. (Readers of Life on the High Wire might remember Effingham.) There are actually bigger crosses, but still, it’s pretty damn big.
I’m not saying I agree with this person’s beliefs, but I appreciate the builder’s commitment and effort. And it got me thinking about creating something from nothing, leaving a legacy. What’s my legacy going to be? What about yours?
What huge thing would you build if you could?