
New Orleans

Before we get to my weekend in New Orleans, some more good news: I just won a New York Institute of Photography travel photography course! Woohoo! Which is exactly what I shouted when I saw my name on the website. I didn’t at all expect to win since there were so many entries, but there you are. The unexpected certainly does happen.

The best part is I really do think it’ll help me take my photography to the next level, and I can’t wait to get started. Yay.

So, New Orleans. I’ll try to hit the highlights – there were a bunch – from one of my favorite cities. It was my fourth visit in five years, and I realized that I just need to make it an annual pilgrimage. The place feeds my soul with its beautiful people, fascinating history and culture, music everywhere, and, duh, the food.

I stayed at Le Richelieu, where I’ve stayed once before. It’s in the French Quarter on Chartres (which the locals pronounce “charters”). The hotel is lovely in every way, and my only beef is they don’t have those cute one-cup coffee makers in the rooms. Meaning I’m the only person in the lobby wearing pajamas to get a cup to carry back upstairs.

I took a lot of photos and haven’t had time to process them all yet, but here are a few to tide you over until I can do more next week.

Hotel Room Doors

The rooms are old school with hardwood floors and these beautiful doors.

New Orleans horse

I always feel so sad for the horses that have to pull tourists around.

French Quarter statue

A statue on the walkway along the Mississippi.

French Quarter street art

Art is everywhere in the French Quarter.

Young Man by the Mississippi River

A young man sitting by the river.

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  1. Martha Federle at 4:23 pm #

    Many congratulations on winning the Travel Photography Course. I’m not surprised you won – your pictures are already excellent!

    • deonne at 4:54 pm #

      Martha – Thank you! You clearly had more confidence about the contest than I did. 🙂

  2. Deborah Dash at 4:51 pm #

    I can’t decide if I like the doors or the angel statue better!

    • deonne at 4:55 pm #

      Deborah – I agree. I’m happy with these photos in general.

  3. Susan Embry at 4:53 pm #

    Great shots!!!! You obviously love NOLA. Does your hotel take Sam too?

    • deonne at 4:56 pm #

      Susan – Thank you! I do love that city. Unfortunately, I had to leave Sam at home, and he seems to have forgiven me. (Though I didn’t mention how great the food is there. I’m guessing NOLA has the best dog kibble around, ha.)

  4. Con at 10:02 pm #

    Horse? I could be wrong, but I think that’s a donkey?? Regardless, the sentiment is shared :/
    Nice pics, my friend 🙂

    • deonne at 7:37 am #

      Con – It is a horse, and there are a lot of them on the street in New Orleans. Thank you for the kind words and commiseration. 🙂

  5. Emilie Vardaman at 10:10 pm #

    I LOVE New Orleans! I have been there twice in the last seven years or so. Once was just after the Gulf oil spill and depression blanketed the city. I returned the following year and things were so much better.
    Every morning – coffee and beignet. Oh, man, I could gain so much weight there!
    Congrats again on the photography course!

    • deonne at 7:39 am #

      Emilie – Thank you, and yes! That’s the morning ritual. I feel the same, I’d have to seriously show some willpower if I lived there. Already fantasizing about my trip next spring, and when I think I’ll either Scamp out or fly and rent a car, so I can get out and tour the parishes.

  6. Sherry in MT at 9:22 am #

    Woohoo is right and congrats on the photography course! That will be super cool and learning even more about your passion is the BEST! You New Orleans photos rock. YOu have such a lovely knack for composition and really great in black and white which most of us struggle with!!!!
    Sherry in MT recently posted…Birds, Bees and BloomsMy Profile

    • deonne at 11:10 am #

      Sherry – Thank you so much! I’m really loving working in B&W, so thank you for the encouragement.

  7. Manisha at 12:26 pm #

    Congrats on that course! What an awesome opportunity and it totally rocks that you don’t have to pay for it. The Universe is bringing everything into alignment for your book goals. I’m really looking forward to seeing the other photos because the ones you posted here are so good. I’ve been to NOLA once but it seems to me that your photos captured some essential essence that I connected with immediately when I saw them…yes, the horses are sad but one of my favorite memories was sitting in Muriel’s listening to the horses clip-clop along the cobblestone streets. I felt like I was totally removed from my usual environment.
    Manisha recently posted…winter hangoverMy Profile

    • deonne at 7:31 am #

      Manisha – Thank you! I know what you mean about the horses – the sound of the hooves is sweet. I probably won’t post any of the standard photos, even though I took some (the church on Jackson Square, the beautiful houses in the Quarter) simply because I’m trying to get away from “standard” and, yes, get to the essence of a place. It’s interesting because with a city there’s so much to choose from, and with the National Parks, there’s so much beautiful nature, but not as much variety maybe. Anyway. Thank you, as always, for commenting!

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