Get Your Road Map From Your Role Model

Ever since I was young I’ve admired Georgia O’Keeffe.

Not just her gorgeous and groundbreaking work, but her attitude and lifestyle. Her intense creativity, how for years she split her time between New York and New Mexico, how she never let a relationship define or hinder her dreams, and even her long walks in the high desert with her beloved dogs.

Since then I’ve pursued multiple creative careers, split time between New York and New Mexico, remain happily single, and have taken more long walks in the high desert with Sam the Wonder Pup than I can count.

Notice any similarities?

I hadn’t thought about it until recently. Even though I did it unintentionally – I didn’t sit down in my 20s and make a list called How To Be Like Georgia – over the years I’ve internalized O’Keeffe and her values and have, in fact, created a version of her life as my own.

Now obviously I’m no Georgia O’Keeffe, and I’m not suggesting you find your own O’Keeffe and try to become exactly that either. The world doesn’t need a bunch of copycats.

You should be uniquely, gloriously you, because the world does need that special thing only you can offer. But if you’re ever feeling stuck, or low, or wondering how the hell to get where you’re trying to go, it can be hugely helpful to look to someone else who’s already done something similar. Sort of a human road map, a guide to what’s possible.

Highway 50 NevadaI want you to think about someone you admire. What is it about her or him that inspires you? Who do you look at and think, damn, I would love to have her life.

Dig into that a little deeper. What is it specifically about her life you’d want? Is it where she lives, how she lives, or what kind of work she does? Something else?

Then notice two things: first, is there any part of her life you’re already pursuing? If so, high five! Keep it going, because that means you’re following your heart and are on the right road.

Second, of those other parts, what could you start pursuing right now, even in the tiniest of ways? Trust me, if you do your life will feel more satisfying and more in alignment with who you are at the core than ever before.

Wouldn’t it be amazing to feel content and purposeful, every day? (Well, at least most days. This isn’t Unicorns and Rainbows Land where everything is exactly how we want it all the time. Sigh.)

I’ll say it again: if you don’t already have one, get yourself a role model. Here’s why:

  • Your role model lets you know the life you want exists in the world, that you’re not crazy for dreaming it. (Unless your role model is Charles Manson, and then please run out right now and get yourself to a therapist.)
  • Learning her story gives you ideas, inspiration, and guidance for your own life’s journey.
  • She can keep you going through difficult times. (There have been bad days where – I’m not kidding – I’ve actually asked myself, What Would Georgia Do?)

Who’s your Georgia O’Keeffe? Let us know in the comments below.

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  1. Sherry at 11:09 am #

    You are more Georgia than you think and I love her too! My role models…hmmm, no pressure but you would be one, my friend Vikki would be another. So here’s a question back at you (ha didn’t see that coming did you?). How do figure out pursuing something is coming from a true honest spot and not just an escape from what you don’t like right now in your life? I know you aren’t my therapist – LOL.

    • deonne at 2:15 pm #

      Sherry, you are too kind, and now I need to step up my game! 🙂 That’s a great question. My shortish answer is to do plenty of research (if it’s the kind of decision that needs it, like a physical move), make pro and con lists for each option, let it marinate (no rushing the decision), and after all that, if it’s still not obvious, you’ve got to go with your gut. Get quiet and listen. How does it feel? Does it feel like you’re running from something you should stick with, or does it feel like an important move forward? Then I recommend ending with the Worst Case Scenario test. What’s the worst that will happen if you pursue it? Can you handle that? Then do it. (This is such a great question, I may need to write about it next week. Thanks for forcing me to outline the post, ha.)

  2. Carole Youngren at 2:36 pm #

    Deonne! Have been thinking of you so much lately. Loved this post today! My Georgia O’Keefe is a neighbor of my parents and I met her when I was in grade school. I thought she was the most exciting woman I had ever met. She told me stories about traveling around the world and shared treasures from her travels. I thought her house was like a museum. She was independent, exciting, intelligent and beautiful. I named my daughter after her. Sadly she passed away 20 years ago. Loved her then and she lives on with me through my daughter every day.

    Sending you a hug, wishing you a great day!!


    • deonne at 4:19 pm #

      Great story, Carole! So glad to hear about your O’Keeffe and how she lives on. Hugs back to you. 🙂

  3. Emilie Vardaman at 6:54 pm #

    Had never thought of this. Thank you! One of my sheroes is Amelia Earhart, but I think I don’t really want to follow in her footsteps!
    Emilie Vardaman recently posted…Corolla Wild Horses!My Profile

    • deonne at 8:50 am #

      My pleasure, Emilie! Amelia Earhart is an excellent choice, a fiercely independent woman, an adventurer. I don’t know you well but it seems like you’ve definitely been influenced by that model. 🙂

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